IIMF Leagues_Taylor Basketball IIMF IndoorBLUE_RED Division IIMF IndoorGOLD DIVISION IIMF TnT Indoor SIGN UPAustin TX Sign up Taylor Basketball Winter 21_22 IIMF partners up with the city of Taylor every season to run a great recreational basketball league. Description Price Taylor Basketball - 2021_22. registration. ____________________________________________ $95 SIGN UP! Coaches registration COACH!">SIGN UP! ____________________________________________ IMF past competitions IMF COMPETITION CHAMPIONS! IIMF partners up with the cities interested in having off-season leagues thoughout Texas in order to bring quality soccer to players of all ages. The IIMF league is set up as a normal soccer league or our very popular "player centric" league. The IIMF-PC league is specifically designed to create three things: A well trained technical player who understands when and where they can use specific attacking and defending techniques.. A tactically thinking player who can play the game and make others better around him or her. A creative player who works to think outside the pitch and enjoys trying to keep the game beautiful without fear of making a mistake. INDOOR - SUMMER 2019 - Standings IMF BLUE & RED DIVISION COMPETITIONS - CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS. TEAM PTS RANKING IMF GOLD DIVISION COMPETITIONS - CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM PTS RANKING Sign up! Description Price ROUND ROCK INDOOR - IMF - SUMMER COMPETITIONS 2019. Stand alone soccer only registration. LEAGUE PLAY ONLY! ____________________________________________ $115 SIGN UP! ROUND ROCK INDOOR - IMF - SUMMER COMPETITIONS 2019. IIMF Soccer Package with Integrity In Motion Fitness S.A.Q.P. training also. GO TO IMF WEBSITE TO REGISTER FOR OTHER 1/2 OF THIS PACKAGE! - WWW.IIM-FIT.COM $50 SIGN UP!